Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to all! May you cherish every moment with family and friends this holiday season. Give the gift that keeps on giving... LOVE... the love of Christ. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

May the Christ of Christmas give you LOVE, JOY, HOPE, & PEACE!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Three Secrets to Making a Great First Impression

All of us have heard this caveat: “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.”  It takes just a quick glance, a few seconds, for someone to evaluate you and form an opinion. Right or wrong, with each new encounter, you are evaluated and another opinion of you is formed. An impression that is virtually impossible to change making it ever so important to always have your best self on display. The course and the quality of your social and professional relationships depend on it.

You may be wondering how do you do it; how do you ensure that you are putting your best foot forward at all times? When meeting new people a couple of things are obvious like, be on time and dress appropriately.  So I won’t spend a lot of time on these topics.  However; I don’t want to give the impression that they are not extremely important.  Being on time is the first and the simplest way to leave a good lasting impression. It says that you are thoughtful, you value others and their time, and you took the initiative to plan for the unexpected. And of course, physical appearance matters.  It is the first picture or clue to who you are.  So without saying a word you have spoken a thousand words! A good rule of thumb is to always be neat and clean and dress for the occasion and when in doubt, dress up instead of down. Appropriate dressing and grooming help you feel “the part” thus helping you feel more calm and confident.

This brings me to what I believe are the three greatest secrets to making a positive first impression when meeting new people.

1.     Make a game plan! This is particularly important before attending any big event like conferences, networking events, or parties. A canned elevator speech is a must for your social life and your professional life. In thirty seconds or less, you should be able to tell someone who you are, what you do and why you do it, and how it benefits them.  Your elevator speech in a nut shell sums up who you are and what you are about. You will alleviate a lot of awkward moments if you know your elevator speech as well as you know your name.  Whether attending a special event or about your daily routine, before leaving home think about your objective. What do you want to accomplish? What kind of people do you want to meet? What type of interactions do you want to have?  Knowing these things ahead of time will help you be more grounded, focused, and relaxed.

2.    Be confident! If you adhere to the first secret, this one will be a piece of cake. Being prepared is half the battle. And being prepared keeps you from feeling uncomfortable or on edge which helps the other person feel at ease, thus further sealing the good impression you want to make. When it comes to confidence, your body language says it all. It is a crucial part of making a great first impression. Everything from your posture to how you carry yourself to how you angle your body counts. Use your body language to project appropriate confidence and self-assurance. Stand tall, smile, make eye contact, and greet with a firm handshake.

3.    Be interested and interesting! Perhaps the greatest way to make a positive first impression is to demonstrate immediately that you are more interested in listening than being heard. Be genuine in your interest and concentrate on getting the other person to talk about himself. If possible, find a connection.  Be sure to give positive verbal and nonverbal clues. For instance, you may make eye contact with a slight smile and using their name, say something like “that’s interesting, tell me more.” And afterwards follow up with a great question or comment or perhaps share something interesting of your own.

Again, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So make it count! It takes only 30 seconds for a person to form an opinion of you. Those brief moments define how you treat others or how you are treated by others. With so much at stake in such a short period of time, you owe it to yourself to master these three secrets to making a great first impression.  When you do, you will find yourself with an abundance of opportunities for jobs, friendships, networking and sales.  Not only will you make a positive and lasting impression, but you will have fun while doing it.  And your first time acquaintances will be eager to see you again.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Revolution in Health & Fitness

Do you really want to get in shape, improve your health and image? But going to the gym seems a little intimidating or overwhelming! Perhaps you have tried doing it on your own but not seeing the results you desire.   Do you feel like you just need a little help? Someone to just explain or demonstrate various exercises to produce optimal results in the areas that concern you most. You are not alone!

Although you may have previously been an athlete, or in an out of the gym most of your life, sometimes you just can't seem to find the courage or motivation to return. You may seek other forms of  exercise through group activities but even that may be to no avail. Sometimes You just don't feel like being with the crowd. It's not that you lack the commitment or determination. When you have tried everything and nothing seems to work, what do you do? Change your approach!   

Would a customized personal work out and nutrition plan help? What if you could follow this plan with the help of a certified personal trainer right from the comfort and convenience of your home? Well I have good news. I believe I have found the answer to so many prayers. 

Yes, now you can work out in the comfort and privacy of your home on your time with a live certified trainer via the internet. You can have live instruction. Unlike using popular videos, you can ask questions, be sure that your form is correct, and know that the program you are doing is designed specifically for you and your work out goals. This revolutionizes the Health and Fitness Industry. Check out the message and programs below provided by Marvin Dixie of Power U Health & Fitness.

Hi this is Marvin Dixie of Power U Health & Fitness, I have had many people contact me regarding information on exercise and nutrition. Many have commented that they wished we lived closer so we could work together. Well, I have a solution; the answer is on the way. I am now offering the following program options listed below for those that would like to train with me through way of the internet. Things are still in the developmental stages, but we are ready to get started and we will tweak things along the way. I am working on the website to include the discussion forum. Please pass this information on to others who may benefit from such program options. I would love to help them!

Coaching $50/month for a 4 month minimum in advance

  • Access to a NEW Workout every month for Coaching members (Video Demo)
  •  Access to Nutritional Information and coaching accountability
  • Access to Expert discussion Forum
    • Get questions answered by experts
    • Bi-Weekly articles from experts (Me, Fitness Experts, Registered Dieticians, MDs) 
  • Fitness Calculators (calories, BMI, Body Fat)
  • MyFitnessPal
  • Evaluation Tracking Log

Customized Workout & Customized Nutritional Coaching $150

  • Video Demo of customized persoanlized workout
  • Suggested Meal Plan
  •  Fitness Calculators
  • Evaluation Tracking Log

Customized Workout ONLY $100

  • Video Demo of Customized Workout
  • Fitness Calculators
  •  Evaluation Tracking Log
 Customized Nutritional Coaching ONLY $100

  •  Customized Meal Plan
  • Fitness Calculators
  • Evaluation Tracking Log
For more information please call Marvin Dixie at 704-439-6317

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Employee Volunteer Programs... A WIN, WIN, WIN!

How Can Your Business Support Character Counts! Week?

This week is Character Counts! Week, an annual celebration of good character in our communities. Schools, youth organizations, civic groups, and businesses alike are celebrating good character and the importance of teaching basic ethical values to youth. Today I want to focus on the impact a business can make by embracing the concept of corporate social responsibility, maintaining the health and well-being
of the communities in which they do business . A concept that has existed more than half a century.

How great would it be to create a WIN, WIN, WIN situation for your business, employees, and the community in which you serve? Well you can do just that; and it is quite simple. An Employee Volunteer Program is the answer! It is the blend of corporate social responsibility and good business practice. Described below are the WIN, WIN, WIN benefits of such programs as suggested from the Joseph & Edna Josephson Institute of Ethics — (Founder of Character Counts! Week).

WIN, WIN, WIN Benefits of Employee Volunteer Programs !

Benefits to Communities
Creates healthier communities by improving the overall quality of life
Helps address/solve vital social problems
Generates a renewed spirit of citizenship and civic pride
Provides new talent and ideas to meet community needs
Increases the level and quality of community services
Opens lines of communication among various segments of the community
Strengthens the local economy

Benefits to Employees
Strengthens employees’ organizational, leadership, communications, financial management, and
decision-making skills
Encourages teamwork
Enables employees to develop new skills
Creates a better quality of life where employees live and work
Reduces stress and increases morale
Expands networking within the company
Increases employee awareness of and interest in community issues
Generates an increased sense of patriotism, citizenship, and civic pride

Benefits to Companies
Bolsters image as a “Good Corporate Citizen” and builds goodwill toward the company
Increases employee morale, loyalty, and productivity
Creates team-building opportunities
Improves communications and relations between management and the workforce
Showcases the company as a good place to work (“Employer of Choice”)
Enhances/increases employee recruitment and retention
Creates ways to implement or address strategic business goals and objectives
Promotes awareness about the company in the community

Monday, October 22, 2012

Character Counts! Week ... The Biggest Celebration of Character in the World!

Yesterday kicked off the celebration of  National CHARACTER COUNTS! Week. More than 4 million young people in over 50 countries are expected to celebrate during October 21-27. The premise of Character Counts Week is to have fun, but the message is to strive for good character at all times in every situation.

The celebration of Character Counts was established by The Joseph & Edna Josephson Institute of Ethics — a nonprofit and nonpartisan teaching organization based in Los Angeles, California. According to the Josephson Institute, many of the country’s leading educational and youth-serving institutions belong to the Coalition, including the YMCA, 4-H, Little League, Boys & Girls Clubs, the NEA and the National Association of Secondary School Principals. 

Every year, the U.S. President, U.S. Senate, state governors, and officials around the world proclaim the third week in October CHARACTER COUNTS! Week. Last year 8 million kids in 60 countries participated. No matter what your political or religious affiliation, this event is about the universal values we share.

 CHARACTER COUNTS! Week is an annual celebration of good character and the importance of teaching basic ethical values to youth in our communities, schools, youth organizations, and businesses. “Character education programs work. Currently, there are character education programs across all 50 States in rural, urban and suburban areas at every grade level. Schools across the country that have adopted strong character education programs report better student performance, fewer discipline problems, and increased student involvement within the community.”
— Sen. Chris Dodd, announcing a bipartisan resolution proclaiming National CC! Week 2009. 

This week is a great time to celebrate good character in your community, school, and business help galvanize citizens around their most important year-round task: teaching young people the Six Pillars of Character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship). This week Image Savvy Consultants will do just that by sharing practical, fun, and life impacting ideas with you. It is our goal make it effortless for you to place an emphasis on character development of the young people and others in your life.  We have included some suggestions from the Josephson Institute below for Seven Days of Character for Adults & Daily Character Ideas for Kids.

Seven Days of Character for Adults

Sunday... Food for Thought
More local foodbanks are experiencing a crisis as they have more people in need and fewer supplies to distribute. Find out how you can lend a hand, either by volunteering a couple of hours, or donating some 
needed food. 

Monday... Caring Coupons
Get out your scissors and start clipping coupons that care. You don’t have to get money off to get a buzz –
sometimes it’s enough to read a feel-good story online or in the press and keep them on file to refer to when 
the news is just too much. You can also give them to friends for inspiration when they’re feeling down.

Tuesday... Recycle, Reuse, Reduce
Good citizenship includes being environmentally aware, and recycling makes cents! Find out where your local recycling depot is and raise some money for a local charity by recycling your bottles and cans. You’ll be doing your part for the planet and your community. 

Wednesday... Share the Load
So it might not be your actual JOB to return the shopping cart to the store, but how about taking a little time to share these tasks? Perhaps your supermarket no longer employs people to collect carts, or maybe your local diner waitress would appreciate it if you wiped up the crumbs from the table you ate at, or you could leave that hotel room just a little bit tidier before you check out. 

Thursday... Invite a 360-Degree Appraisal
Want to really show you’re trying to be better? Invite your coworkers to give you an annual review based on the values of the Six Pillars of Character.   

Friday... Be Patient With Bad Manners 
That includes your own! Bite your tongue, tone it down, and take deep breaths. Everyone gets frazzled in today’s demanding society, but try to stay calm and be polite all day. Treat others as if they were ladies and gentlemen – not because they are, but because you are.

Saturday... Help From Home
Finding time in a busy week to volunteer can be tough, but what if you could do it from the comfort of your own home? Help From Home is a site that lets you do just that. Visit them to learn how you can help without even changing out of your PJs. 

Daily Character Ideas for Kids

Self-reflection Sunday
We all know the Six Pillars of Character (trustworthiness, respect, repsonsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship, of course!), so why not take time to reflect on your performance in each of the six areas? Could you be doing better? Write down one thing you’d like to improve for each Pillar and keep good character going all year! 

Make Peace Monday
World peace starts with you! Have you fallen out with someone over the last year? Could you take responsibility for making the world a more peaceful place, even if it wasn’t your fault in the first place, and make up with that person? You could write a note, call, or text. You’ll be contributing to a more peaceful world. Show politicians how it’s done!

Take the Road Less Traveled Tuesday
It’s always easier to show respect to others when everyone else is doing it, but what about taking a stand on your own? Tough stuff, but you can start a revolution and brighten someone’s day by showing them you are on their side, even if the bullies aren’t. Hold out your hand to help someone up, help them with the stuff they dropped, or give some other small gesture to show you aren’t a bully bystander.

Wish Upon a Star Wednesday
Who’s your favorite star? Wouldn’t it be great if they showed their support for you in your quest for good character? Why not write and tell them what you’re doing to show that character counts? Write to your  favorite star and ask them to support good character, too.

Thanksgiving Thursday
Don’t wait until November to show thanks! Make today the day you remember your p’s and q’s and take time to let someone who helped you out know how much it meant. Be thankful all day!

Find Out Friday
Is there a pressing issue in your community? Find out how you can get involved and help make things better for everyone. Research the issue and groups that are taking action on it to find out what you can do. 

Show Your Support Saturday
Why not get out and support your local team? Sticking by people through good and bad times can be hard, but loyalty is a big part of good character. If you have a local team, or you know someone taking part in a challenge this weekend, show them they can lean on you.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Abs Are Made in the Kitchen Not the Gym?

It may sound strange, but yes it's true, abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. As the old saying goes abs are 30% gym and 70% diet. This was a new discovery for me this week. 

I just shared an article a couple of weeks ago which defined the benefits of a strong core. In that article we learned that almost every motion in our bodies originates in or travels through our core and therefor core training should be at the center of all of our fitness programs. The article even provided an exercise video demonstration of how to build a strong core. However one important piece was missing, and that is the part that diet plays in building a strong core.

Everyone has abdominal muscles. In some people they are hidden by fat. Nutrition plays a huge role in the composition of your body. It is important to feed it right! Stick to as natural as possible, lots of fruits and vegetables, single ingredient, wholesome foods with little to no processing or preservatives.  A diet like this will melt belly fat and allow your abs to be seen. Of course, you should supplement proper diet with exercise to tone the abdominal muscles and to help your body continue to burn fat even while you are at rest.

It is as simple as that but sometimes even simple needs to be broken down and Marvin Dixie of Power U Health and Fitness has done just that. In a recent video he explains how to effectively get rid of belly fat, reduce your waistline, and reveal the six pack you already have. He explains how proper nutrition and the proper types of exercise work together to build muscle mass, ramp up metabolism, and burn body fat. I have included that video (30% Gym 70 % Diet) along with the Six Pack Abs Secret Revealed video that I shared in the previous article. 
Together these videos will put you well on your way to getting the body you deserve. 

As I stated before taking care of your body is a major part of the image you project; and no, it is not all about the physical appearance. More importantly it is about health and lifestyle. And when you look and feel good, you are naturally more confident. You are more likely to pursue your goals and dreams and that is what it is all about, being your best self!  

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Great Social Skills Can Help Ease Back to School First Day Jitters

 It's school time again! Your kids may be feeling excited and maybe a little sad that summer is over. They may even feel nervous or a little scared on the first day of school because of all the new things: new teachers, new friends, and maybe even a new school. You can help ease the first day jitters by ensuring that your child is well equipped with great social skills. Here are some tips that may help you give your kids a strong start.


~Teach your child to share with others
~Teach your child to wait their turn 
~Teach your child not to interrupt when others are speaking 
~Teach your child the importance of being honest 
~Teach your child the proper forms of address for their teachers (Miss, Mr., Mrs.)
~Teach your child how to accept others with disabilities
~Teach your child to show respect to others and practice kindness by using words like please, thank you, you're welcome and excuse me
~Don't forget to praise your child when they show good manners

Just like we as adults have to prepare our minds and body to return to work after a great vacation, kids have to prepare mentally and physically to go back to school. I have included a couple of short videos below that may help you prepare your kids to go back to school. The first one is great in helping your child develop a great morning routine and the second is an excellent refresher on how to behave. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Benefits of a Strong Core

Taking care of your body is a major part of the image you project and having a strong core is the key. Having a strong core helps you stand tall and exude confidence.

Core strength training focuses on the muscles in the abdomen, hips, and back. It builds coordination between these muscles and trains them to work together. It should be the base of all of your workouts.

The reason core strength is so important is because almost every motion made by your body originates there. According to Harvard Health Publications you should “think of your core muscles as the sturdy central link in a chain connecting your upper and lower body. Whether you’re hitting a tennis ball or mopping the floor, the necessary motions either originate in your core, or move through it.” This publication also states that “no matter where motion starts, it ripples upward and downward to adjoining links of the chain. Thus, weak or inflexible core muscles can impair how well your arms and legs function.” The unity of your core muscles working together balances and stabilizes your body. A strong flexible core underpins almost everything you do.

Here is a quick list of the benefits to a strong core:
-More control
-Improves posture
- More comfort with sitting
- Improves balance and stability
-Increases energy
- Aids in sports development
- Prevent injury

Core training is the foundation of all workouts, however many people aren’t sure how to to develop it. So I have included this
great core strengthening exercise video from Power U Health and Fitness. Marvin Dixie demonstrates and explains the proper way to perform each exercise, its benefits, and why it’s important.

Friday, July 13, 2012

July Is National Cell Phone Courtesy Month

July is National Cell Phone Courtesy Month. Yes, that's correct. I know just a couple of decades ago, we couldn't have imagined such a thing. And now it seems that you can't go anywhere without someone being on  a cell phone. I've even seen people who are so glued to their phone that they are constantly checking for messages during worship services. And others who are all ears for someone who is dear to them unless, you got it, the cell phone rings.

Now I know that a lot of us feel that we absolutely can not live with out these devices and I agree they are a great convenience in today's fast paced business world and in our personal lives. And when used appropriately they can actually make life simpler and more productive. However, would you agree that much of the time spent on these devices is not for anything important. It is for sheer amusement and pleasure, no matter how we may try to disguise it.

Nine out of ten Americans possess a cell phone. With such widespread usage, it's no surprise that some cell phone users can be quite rude in public, whether intentional or not. According to Jacqueline Whitmore, the founder of National Cell Phone Courtesy Month, the solution for good cell phone etiquette is as simple as being aware of your surroundings and respecting the rights of others. Think about it, how many times have you overheard someone talking on their cell phone? Or been distracted by a cell phone ringing loudly with the most obnoxious ringtone at the climax of a thrilling movie; and of course, they can't locate it to turn it off. None of us really want to be "That Person" right? So I've  composed this blog in an effort to help encourage an ever growing oblivious population of cell phone users to be more respectful of their surroundings. 

Listed below, you will find cell phone courtesy rules suggested by Nokia to help us be more courteous to those around us, and a link to additional resources from  Jacqueline Whitmore  if you would like additional help to avoid offending others with your cell phone. 

1.  The Person You are with is the Most Important Person To Talk To

Utilize the Caller ID feature for screening options. You may decide to let voice mail take the call and return the call at a more appropriate time.

2.  Use Text Messaging to Simplify Your Life
Are you expecting important information from a colleague but need to be in a public area? Ask them to send a text message to your phone.

3.  Change the Ringing Tones on Your Phone to Match the Environment You Are In
Use a loud ring for outdoors – but inside, use silent or vibrating options.

4.  Turn off Your Phone During Public Performances or While In Public Spaces
In certain public areas such as movie theaters, plays, churches, museums and libraries, talking can be disruptive and can violate basic courtesy. If you are expecting an important call, use text messaging.

5.  Don’t Engage In Cell Yell 
Most devices have sensitive microphones that can pick up even a whisper. There is no need to speak louder on your cell phone than you would on any other phone. Use your best judgment when in a cab, train or any other environment where you might subject a “captive” public to your conversations.

 I recommend that you visit Jacqueline Whitmore's website by clicking the following link http://www.etiquetteexpert.com/cellphone.html . Here you can get even more guidelines on cell phone etiquette, take a cell phone etiquette quiz, and listen to a cell phone etiquette podcast from Sprint.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Oh No ... Which Drink Is Mine?

Question: Which drink is yours when dining?

Answer: Bread on the Left, Drink on the Right

b d

This is one of the first decisions at the dinner table because oftentimes, napkins are in the glass when you arrive at the table. Here is an easy tip to help you remember. Hold both hands in front of you; palms facing each other, using the tips of your thumb and forefinger, make circles on each hand. The remaining three fingers in each hand point upwards. Your left hand will form a “b” and your right hand will form a “d”. Bread (b) is on the left, and drink (d) is on the right. 

If your neighbor has already taken your bread plate or drink, quietly ask the waiter for another.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Could Mastering Manners Make A Difference In Our Schools And Communities

Could mastering manners make a difference in our schools, and communities? Are you finding that more and more people don’t seem to understand this simple word: R-E-S-P-E-C-T? Unfortunately, adults in our society are exhibiting less civility towards one another and without saying, our children are following suit. When is the last time you heard a youngster address an adult as Sir or Ma’am?  And if you were graced to hear such good manners, it is quite likely that you heard the adult ask not to be addressed that way because it made them feel old. Though the fine points of “good” manners may vary slightly with each generation, I think we would all agree that behavior based on respect is the ultimate goal.

When is the best time to start teaching such behavior? I would say the earlier the better. It is never too soon. Unfortunately simple things like yes sir and no sir for instance that used to be taught in the home have fallen by the way side and movies and television shows, even those marketed to children, encourage kids to be less respectful of others. With that said, it's no surprise that a lack of manners is rampant in our schools and communities across America.

Character education is a hot topic in our schools right now however education in manners gets little attention despite the fact that according to the National Association of Elementary School Principals lack of good manners in classrooms and on playgrounds is a growing problem.  In fact, education in etiquette and manners is often misconstrued as the same thing as character development. To reiterate this fact, I recently had a conversation with a principal of an elementary school who told me that he did not see the need for manners to be taught at the elementary school level because his students learn a character word each week. He said that it may be more appropriate for middle school kids.

In “Teaching Children Manners” (from the Better Homes and Gardens Guide to Parenting), Psychologist John Rosemond declares manners and respect are inseparable. He believes children can never learn to respect themselves unless they learn respect for others-- beginning with adults.  According to etiquette author Letitia Baldrige in “Manners of the Modern Child,” etiquette training is extremely valuable; she states her admonition to teach children good manners to help them develop self-esteem and self-confidence. She links manners with kindness and good human relations. I agree that etiquette and character development are closely related and one impacts or builds upon the other particularly where it relates to kindness and respect.  However, I believe that waiting until the middle school years is setting our children up for failure and setting our communities up for doom.  The middle school years are when kids are natural explorers looking for independence and without a positive resolve of respect for self and others they can be very dodgy years.  

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Etiquette in the News

The town of Middleborough, Massachusetts is now debating a $20 fine for people in their town caught swearing or using obscenities in public. Do you approve of this approach? Or, would the old-fashioned approach of washing out the offenders mouth with soap and water (or, for a modern twist, hot sauce) be more appropriate? Or, should we just hope and expect that people will use their freedom of speech responsibly and appropriately, so that our police officers can focus on more life-and-death matters?

In sports, we continue to see both good and bad etiquette, sometimes by the same player within a span of minutes. In the French Open Tennis finals, we saw tennis great Djokovic graciously overturn a bad call by a line judge on one point, and then smash his tennis racket through a wall on another.

In entertainment, Charlie Sheen is as disturbing as ever, this time getting into an altercation after leaving an arena. He left to have a smoke outside and then was refused re-entry (his ticket clearly stated"no re-entry"). He felt that he was entitled to break the rules, and acted out accordingly.

At a mall, a mom attacked a child who had posted nasty comments on Facebook about her teenage daughter. It seems her daughter had posted a photo of her posterior on Facebook, and her classmates were making jokes about it. Should teens even have Facebook accounts?

All of this shows that -- on the one hand -- our society is more and more focused on proper behavior and etiquette. That's great news! On the other hand, the need for etiquette training continues to be strong.

At Image Savvy, there are all sorts of issues that we address when teaching etiquette, from the messages celebrities send to new ways of communicating and connecting like Facebook, to teaching youth and young adults how to be more successful, including how to dress and groom for entry-level jobs and beyond.

Are you like me and see etiquette issues where ever you go? Do you care deeply about and value etiquette in society.
If you agree, let us help you and those you love be the difference that our society needs.  

For more information on our programs, please contact 803-372-4041. 

Every Venue Has Its Own Etiquette

"Every one of us is an artist, and as an artist, you really can stroll into any venue that you want, as long as you take your time to learn the etiquette of that venue." -- Terrence Howard 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Our first day of reaching out to you ......

It's June, 2012 and Image Savvy Consultants is celebrating!!! We finally have our new website and blog up to welcome you and introduce you to our personal, business, and organization coaching and professional etiquette training programs. We're excited to be here, but have so much more to tell you as the blog and website develop! Take a look around and contact us if you'd like to look into training for yourself, your business staff, or your classroom. We're here to help.

